The Basic SKILLZ program can help them learn to pay attention in a fun setting. Does Your 5-6 Year Old Struggle with Focus?
Five to six-year olds are the most enthusiastic students. They love creativity and problem-solving, which makes them ideal students in the Martial Arts.
The problem we discovered is they are so progressive in following tasks, some teachers tend to treat them like their older peers. This is a problem because they still do not have the basic skills necessary to keep up with children ages 7 and up.
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I’m Michael Evans, co-owner of Vision Martial Arts in Patchogue.
As an instructor with extensive experience training kids, there is nothing better than seeing them grow firsthand.
But more important than the martial arts skills they learn… is the personal skills they develop and carry for life.
Because SKILLZ is so much more than just kicking and punching, and getting the next colorful belt:
It’s about developing confidence, discipline, character, focus, and respect.
In fact, martial arts training isn’t our goal at all. It is simply a tool that helps us engage the kids as we work directly on helping them with their physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development.
With every class we teach, your kids are growing in mind, body, and character.
That’s because SKILLZ provides instant positive feedback (We call it “Teaching in 4D”). Through learning to focus on the core moves, they develop discipline and respect. They can instantly see and feel a difference, making them destined to build confidence, self-awareness, and self-respect.
And of course, it’s a ton of FUN!
That’s why I love teaching SKILLZ classes to kids in this community, and why I know your kids are going to LOVE training.
So please have a look below to find out exactly how your kids can benefit from our fun child development classes.

They typically have a hard time with instructions beyond three commands & have a hard time distinguishing between their left and right.

They typically only want to focus on things that make them happy. They also have slow brakes when they are very excited.

They love to play with others but are typically very competitive, especially when it comes to getting the attention of their parents
By understanding the stages of development of 5 to 6-year olds, we were able to select 8 age-appropriate skills that make up the Basic SKILLZ Program:
We take Martial Arts training to a whole new level! We use basic elements of a traditional Martial Arts curriculum to build skills that are appropriate for 5 to 6-year olds. This means that your child will learn and grow at a pace that is not too easy, nor too challenging. The best part is the Basic SKILLZ program will equip your child with skills that they will utilize in every area of their life!
Basic SKILLZ gives young children the basic skills and discipline they need to succeed. While they learn simple martial arts moves such as kicking, punching, blocking, and simple self-defense, they also grasp valuable lessons about social conduct. Over time, Basic SKILLZ students build strong bodies, follow directions, and interact with students and teachers.
Physical Development
At this stage of development, kids typically do not know how to apply their muscles so they fall often when their body is in constant motion. Also, they have a basic foundation for leg, arm, core, and abdominal development, but they still lack a lot of strength.
We expect them to initially struggle with multiple kicks beyond five repetitions. We also expect them to initially have sloppy technique when exercising.
The goals for our program are to get them to perform high repetitions of kicks without putting their foot down, and also perform static, active, and dynamic exercises for beyond ten reps with good technique.
Intellectual Development
5 to 6 year old kids typically have a hard time retaining beyond three commands. They also have a hard time distinguishing between their left and right.
We expect them to initially get confused when we ask them to do more than three things at one time. We also initially expect them to have a hard time distinguishing between their left and right when following multiple commands.
The goal of our program is to get them to retain three or more commands at once, and beyond. We will also help them learn how to perform various left and right combinations.
Emotional Development
At this age, kids typically focus on things that make them happy. They also have slow brakes when they are excited.
We expect them to initially lose focus and shut down when they are not happy. We also expect them to lose control when they are over-excited.
The goal of our program is to help them focus even when it’s hard to do so. We will also help them control their body and their power, especially when they are excited.
Social Development
Basic SKILLZ kids love to play with others but are typically very competitive.
We expect them to initially show poor sportsmanship when they participate in a competition.
The goals for our program are to help them build good teamwork such as no cheating; don’t get angry when they lose; and don’t brag when they win