Building Confidence & Assertiveness in Tweens As parents, we want to raise children who are kind, respectful, and compassionate—but we also want them to have the confidence to stand up for themselves. If your child struggles to speak up when they need help, advocate for themselves in school, or assert their boundaries with friends, you […]
Looking for karate classes near you in Patchogue? Vision Martial Arts offers age-specific, child-focused martial arts training that builds confidence, focus, and life skills. Try a free class today!
Children’s emotional reactions may seem extreme, but understanding their developing brains and providing supportive strategies can help them build lifelong emotional regulation skills.
Discover science-backed strategies to end homework battles, reduce after-school stress, and create a positive, productive learning routine for your child.
Children thrive when motivation is nurtured through curiosity, autonomy, and connection—understanding their developing brains can transform everyday challenges into opportunities for growth.
Parenting a 7 to 9-year-old is like walking a tightrope—you’re balancing their growing independence with their ongoing need for guidance. At this age, children are transitioning out of the early childhood phase, where parents are their sole source of comfort and direction, into a world where peers, school, and their own sense of self play increasingly significant roles. It’s a time of incredible growth and exploration, but it’s also a time when new challenges often emerge.
How Teen Role Models Shape Success at Vision Martial Arts As parents, we know that children learn best when they are supported by a strong team of role models. For young kids, it’s essential to have positive influences who guide them toward making good decisions, managing emotions, and setting long-term goals. But not every mentor […]
So, you’ve taken the first step and searched for “karate classes near me” in the Patchogue and Medford areas. The search results display a multitude of martial arts schools, each promising the best training and results. But how do you navigate this sea of options to find the perfect fit for you or your child? […]
As parents, encountering disrespectful remarks or hurtful words from our children can be both perplexing and disheartening. It’s especially challenging when we’re striving to raise respectful and empathetic individuals. If your child is between the ages of seven and nine and you’ve noticed an increase in sassiness, rest assured you’re not alone. This behavior is […]
While martial arts and music may appear to occupy vastly different realms, they share numerous skills and disciplines that enhance one another. The intersection of martial arts and music can be explored through the lenses of neurology and physical skills, revealing profound insights into how each modality can bolster the other. Here, we delve into […]
The Essential Guide for Parents of Tweens & Teens Navigating the turbulent years between 10 and 14, children undergo a profound transformation in their physical, intellectual, emotional, and social spheres. This period is marked by a significant shift in brain chemistry, heavily influenced by neurotransmitters like dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins. Understanding these changes can […]
BACK TO SCHOOL: A Comprehensive Guide for Every Age As the summer winds down, anticipation for the new school year grows. For children and parents alike, the transition from laid-back summer days to structured academic routines can be challenging. To ensure a smooth transition and set your child up for success, it’s crucial to prepare […]
Black Belt Strategies for Real-World Goals At Vision Martial Arts in Patchogue, we blend the ancient discipline of martial arts with modern psychological insights to teach more than just self-defense—we equip our students with life skills. Goal-setting, a critical component of personal and professional development, is deeply integrated into our training philosophy. This article delves […]
The impact of bullying on a child can be severe, both emotionally and academically. Bullied children may experience sadness, anxiety, and fear and have difficulty concentrating in school. They may also have difficulty sleeping or eating and may have low self-esteem. Bullying can also lead to absenteeism and poor academic performance; in some cases, it […]
The Benefits of Martial Arts Themed child Development Classes for Kids Martial arts are an excellent way for kids to stay active, learn discipline, and develop a range of skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. At Vision Martial Arts, we use age-specific curricula to bring the latest in child development science and psychology […]
Stress is a common experience that affects people of all ages, including kids. Unfortunately, many adults overlook the need for stress relief in kids, assuming that they are too young to experience stress or that they will simply grow out of it. However, the truth is that stress can have a significant impact on a […]
Helping Kids Through the First Days of School… and Beyond Imagine the scene: kids return home from their first day back at school. Parents eager to hear about their child’s day ask the ever-present question, “How was it?” Instead of excitement, the reply might be filled with disappointment, maybe about the loss of freedom, […]
As the final weeks of summer in Patchogue unfold, you might find yourself taking a moment to reflect. The sun-drenched afternoons of playdates and pool times are gradually giving way to the inevitability of the school bell. That slow-growing anxiety about school preparations, re-establishing routines, and ensuring your child’s social and academic well-being starts to […]
Grade school can be quite the experience for any child. It is a place where a child not only learns academically but one where a child must learn to socialize and function in the world. Unfortunately, there are a lot of negative experiences that a child may have when going through school. Whatever those experiences […]
Over the past five months, schedules have been upended and downtime has taken over. However, as the new school year gets underway, reality is going to show up and we are going to be scrambling to get ourselves and our children back on a productive path. In the book “The 7 Habits of Happy Kids” […]
As we continue through the current pandemic and re-opening efforts present real challenges, school districts everywhere are trying to devise the best plans for children, teachers, and staff to return. While there will be no perfect solution for each family, parents must consider all the information and choose the option that works best for their […]
Our new Life Skillz program starts this week! Each month, kids will participate in weekly age-specific discussions on the character traits that will help them become even more amazing ninjas. We will be starting the series learning all about CHARISMA! (Trouble seeing the image? Click here for a pdf version of this month’s Life Skillz […]
As the pandemic carries on, our coping skills are starting to unravel. For many people, this has become the ultimate emotional test. As we continue to maintain our distance from each other, not only have our social lives been halted, but our emotional support is wavering as well. And while we have been living this […]
UPDATE: We’re open and back in business! Thank you for all of the support over the past months. Be sure to check out our classes on the main page: 4GK Martial Arts is offering free online martial arts classes to any students affected by the closures of Suffolk County school districts. Patchogue, NY March […]
*** Updated at 6:00 pm on Sunday, March 15th, 2020*** *** Updated at 2:30 pm on Friday, March 13th, 2020*** We are continuing to monitor the situation, and to maintain the highest level of sanitation. We will be closely watching our colleagues in the Patchogue-Medford and South Country School districts. If those school districts close […]
Stress is a significant part of our lives today, and while we all experience it, children and teens have a more difficult time managing it. Academic pressure, social tensions, and family stressors can all impact a young person’s mental well-being. For this reason, parents need to help their children develop coping skills by guiding them […]
Up until a decade or so ago, there were no martial arts classes for kids. Martial arts classes were taught the same way to everyone, regardless of age. While this level of training was terrific for older kids, or for younger kids who were anomalies (far above the expected stage of development for their age), […]
We live in a competitive world, and most parents would jump at the chance to give their child every advantage imaginable. The world can also be unkind, and, as parents, we feel a need to protect our children from everything possible. And yes, parents are supposed to help and protect their children, but when does […]
When we hear the term “school readiness,” the first thing most people think of is children knowing academic basics that will help them meet the demands of the classroom. And while these cognitive skills are essential, teachers feel that skills in the other areas of child development are just as, or more important. Social, emotional, […]
Healthy brain development is one of the most important aspects of childhood development. More specifically, the first few years of life are a significant time for this because synaptic connections are at a peak level. This early stage is the time when positive and nurturing experiences are vital so that the brain can form strong […]
The development of a child can be fascinating to watch. From infants mirroring movements to toddlers and children mastering high-level developmental skills, the growth they experience in a short time is astounding. And while all skills are essential for children to learn, bilateral coordination is a necessary prerequisite for the development of a variety of […]
The New Year has arrived, and many of us have set lofty resolutions. Anything from working out daily to saving money to losing weight, our society knows how to dream big! However, when we don’t break big dreams down into smaller, achievable goals, failure often ensues. And to make matters worse, our children watch us […]
Martial arts training is well-known for the benefits it provides to children in the development of physical skills and improved discipline. Parents often enroll their children in martial arts to achieve goals such as these. While the attainment of these goals is possible, parents often have unrealistic expectations of the time it takes for children […]
All parents want the same thing…for their child to be a positive member of society and experience success. And while these are essential, they often come through a push to achieve and be the best in everything. Unfortunately, this often manifests as a comparison to other children. This comparison, however, often leads to stress and […]
Mentoring has been around for many years and has shown to have many positive outcomes for all participants. In SKILLZ Martial Arts, the mentoring program that is implemented is called the STORM Team, or Special Team of Role Models.This is a “near-peer” type mentoring program that is very structured and incorporates a full curriculum and […]
The learning process is vital to the healthy development of a child’s brain and their experiences and interactions largely influence how this happens. This process doesn’t just take place in the classroom but in all areas of the child’s life. Because of this, learning is better approached when it is an active process that triggers […]
We’ve all heard of the main 5 senses: taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing. However, there are two other, very important, senses that don’t get enough attention. Those are the vestibular sense and proprioception. These two senses are vital in the development of a child but are often overlooked, especially in today’s world. This is […]
As they say, kids will be kids. And yes, children and teens can be unkind to their peers and feelings get hurt. The problem is when these behaviors become common and target the same person repeatedly. This is the point at which the idea “kids being kids” begins to cross the line to bullying. And […]
Age-Specific Martial Arts Curriculum – What It Really Means The term “age-specific” is used very often in education and healthcare. It has a very definite meaning and is used to describe things that are prepared specifically for the age of the child it is targeting. However, this term is often used more loosely, especially in […]
Oppositional Defiant Disorder A Supplemental Resource for Families Coping with Oppositional Defiant Disorder All children act out from time to time. However, children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), as defined by the Child Mind Institute, “have a well-established pattern of behavior problems that are more extreme than their peers.” Children with ODD display aggressive behaviors […]
An athlete is defined by Merriam-Webster as “a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina.” Athletes in specific sports train to be at the top of their game, but how much better of an athlete would they be if they had a well-rounded cross training […]
When we think of human behavior, we often first focus on the problems or deficits that people have and how this affects their achievements, or lack thereof. Rarely is the first thought of what motivates someone and how to utilize that to help them grow and develop. Abraham Maslow’s development of the “Hierarchy of Needs” […]
Realistic Behavioral Expectations What to Expect from 10 to 14-year olds The tween and teen years often feel to parents and teachers like they are back at the “terrible twos” stage. The challenges of working with children at this age can be frustrating. They are very smart but their emotions are all over the place. […]
Realistic Behavioral Expectations What to Expect from 7 to 9 year olds The golden years for children are between the ages of 7 and 9 years old. At this age, children can grasp new information quickly. They start seeing the world in a new and exciting way and, because of this, they are beginning to […]
Realistic Behavioral Expectations What to Expect from 18-36 Months Children between the ages of 18 and 36 months are at an exciting growth period in their lives. Parents and caregivers observe leaps and bounds in the development of these children and are excited to see all their skills progress. However, as with any growth, there […]
Realistic Behavioral Expectations What to Expect from 5- and 6-year olds Children between the ages of five and six years old are no longer “little kids.” They are in a very important transition in their lives. They have developed skills that make them appear to have things more together, so they are often approached by […]
What to Expect from 3- and 4-year olds Children between the ages of 3 and 4 are at a very unique growth period in their lives. They are growing at a rapid rate in all areas of development and are discovering new things daily, while also learning how to cope with new challenges. Additionally, they […]
Calculus is a powerful form of mathematical thinking that helps us better understand the world around us. Everyone could benefit from such an understanding. But…. If a calculus professor came up with the idea to teach kids such powerful lessons, would they start with derivatives? Probably not. They’d start with something like counting, maybe even […]
Goal setting is one of the most highly linked characteristics to success that individuals have. Top athletes and successful people all use goal setting. And while it is a trait that is most often associated with adolescents and adults, younger children can also benefit greatly from beginning this life skill at an early age. Learning […]
Children between the ages of 5 and 6 years are in the “dynamo” stage of development. They are now at a point where basic skills become the foundation for their continued growth and development. Martial Arts will help them build a more solid foundation for these basic skills, which are essential for continued growth and […]
There are millions of children participating in Martial Arts. That statistic is rapidly growing at 15% per year according to leading child experts. The reason why is because parent’s across the globe are recognizing all of the amazing benefits that the Martial Arts has to offer their children. Between the ages of 3 and 4, […]
One of the most common questions people ask when calling a martial arts school is: “How much do martial arts classes cost?” Any time one is considering a new venture, the cost is certainly an important consideration. But, it is important to recognize that martial arts training is more than a commodity to be selected […]
For years, martial arts has gotten a bad reputation because people feel that it encourages violence, especially in children. And yes, it sounds like a paradox that something that teaches “fighting” can actually make people less aggressive. However, what most people don’t know is that martial arts is rooted in nonviolent conflict resolution. As the […]
Jessica wanted to find a way to help her kids, Bella and Joshua, learn about focus and discipline while also having fun and building social relationships. So, she signed them up for martial arts classes in our Early Skillz program. Both Joshua and Bella have since graduated to our Basic Skillz martial arts class for […]
Every day children are faced with increased amounts of pressure to work harder, learn more quickly, and manage their emotions. This is especially true for 10 to 14-year olds due to their intellectual growth during this period. However, this pressure is unhealthy for them and can lead to anxiety and depression. The premise of the […]
When we hear the word “learn” we often think of children sitting in a classroom, at a desk, with a teacher educating students on a particular subject. We rarely ever imagine playing a game as a teaching and learning tool. However, the benefits of utilizing this can span more developmental areas than learning about a […]
As seasoned Pediatric Ninja Specialists, we have witnessed just about every sort of behavior and outburst from working with hundreds of kids over the years. We have seen it all from playful name calling to angry tantrums. Some things are hard to not take personally, but our experience allows us to put things into […]
When people generally think of “play” they think of fun and games…something simply for amusement and nothing more. However, there is a bigger, and more important, piece that is often overlooked…learning. As Kay Redfield Jamison said, “Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity.” The same […]
Introducing the Internationally Acclaimed Basic SKILLZ Program! Five and six-year olds are the most enthusiastic students. They love creativity and problem-solving, which makes them ideal students in the Martial Arts. The problem we discovered is they are so progressive in following tasks, some teachers tend to treat them like their older peers. This is […]
Imagine your child on the field running quicker than ever before, outmaneuvering all opponents, and having the confidence to overcome every obstacle!Today we’d like to talk about the benefits of supplementing youth sports with martial arts training! Before we can, we must overcome the first challenge standing between your child and the achievements listed above. […]
Hey 4GK Families! As I am sure you know, our age-specific martial arts program, SKILLZ, is one of the most popular and widely used children’s curricula on the market. We are able to break down and focus on each child’s individual stage of development to help them progress faster and further! As our students progress […]
Introducing the Internationally Acclaimed Early SKILLZ Program! Preschool kids between the ages of three and four years old love physical activity, especially anything involving play. They have a rich imagination and a strong desire to be less dependent on their usual caregivers. The challenge we discovered is that many children at this age have a […]
Game-Based Learning Play is often overlooked as a learning tool for children. defines play as “engaging in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.” It is seen as a type of “free time” when nothing else important is happening. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. For 3 […]
As you know, 4GK Martial Arts in Patchogue is committed to bringing you the BEST in Age-Specific childhood development classes! Dwindling are the days of the “dungeon dojo” and authoritative discipline that many who grew up in the martial arts have come to expect. As times change, it is vital to recognize that what once […]
ENDORPHINS The Key to Effort and Focus in Children and Teens Endorphins are natural chemicals produced in the body to reduce pain and boost happiness. They are most often associated with exercise since the release of these “feel-good” chemicals cause a state of euphoria and is usually known as a “runner’s high.” However, most any […]
Have you ever had a “gut feeling” about something? Have you ever considered that children have these as well? Of course they do! The problem is, they don’t know how to express this to us. They know something doesn’t feel right, so they act out or exhibit a grumpy mood. The good news is, there […]
Oxytocin has been dubbed the “love chemical.” It is the hormone that is released when we feel love and trust in relationships. For most people, they know oxytocin as a significant part of the parent-child bonding process. However, it is also very important in overall human relationships and is considered our “social glue.” The release […]
Our goal at 4GK Martial Arts is to help every ninja become a better version of themselves! We use the latest technology and curriculum backed by years of research and development via our SKILLZ children’s martial arts curriculum to assist us in accomplishing our goal.We are also driven to go above and beyond to open […]
Have you ever wondered why children and teens seem to be so addicted to their smartphones and other devices? Parents are frustrated with their children’s lack of attention and motivation but what do their devices have to do with this? The answer is found in science! Often referred to as the “motivator molecule,” dopamine is […]
Guest post by martial artist, childhood development specialist, and Skillz creator, Melody Johnson Adaptability Adaptability is about how you respond to your child, especially when things do not go as planned. Your child will have a variety of great days, bad days, and everything in between. Here are a few ways you can apply adaptability […]
Young martial artists learn many lessons in class that go far beyond kicking and punching. In fact, many of these skills can be used outside of the martial arts school! For example, our Basic Skillz ninjas learn about Teamwork in their class, and this is one lesson our ninjas can definitely use at home. You […]
Guest post by Skillz creator and childhood development expert Melody Shuman. Do you ever feel like you can read your child’s mind? You know what they are going to do or say next because they have had the same reaction before? This is attunement. Improving your attunement skills will allow you to create a more […]
Kids are not naturally self-motivated. When your child’s mindset is not in the right place, even the most fun activities can be a struggle to get to. With that said, here are some strategies to help you work around a lack of motivation when trying to get your kid to class. 1. Be attentive to […]
Does your ninja have a hard time making good decisions? That’s OK! Often times, preschool and younger school aged children may find it difficult to follow the rules. The good news is that they are not doing this on purpose. After years of working with this age group and observing the emotional and social stages […]
As we posted last week on our Facebook Page, “Be the parent your child needs you to be.” Children hardly ever embrace the concept of learning in the same way that we as adults think of the process. As a parent, this can be very frustrating because our primary role is to teach children skills […]
25 Tips to Help Foster Holiday Gratitude The holiday season can be a frenzied time of shopping, presents, and sugary foods. It is important that we help our kids navigate the whirlwind of temptation and indulgence by helping them to learn about gratitude, and why we actually celebrate holidays. A strong sense of gratitude has […]
Happy Holidays! The holidays are quickly approaching and our team at 4GK Martial Arts hopes it is the best ever! It is super easy to get lost in the moment and forget to practice our martial arts over the holiday break. But if we can remember to do so, we are better prepared to have […]
As we posted last week on the 4GK Martial Arts Facebook Page, “Setting your child up for daily successes is easier than trying to punish poor behavior.” To help with this, we wanted to share some great tips on the Parent SKILLZ word: PROMPTING. (For more a more in depth look, be sure to watch the […]
Let’s talk about some of the top benefits for practicing Martial Arts! As you know, we are not a “traditional” Martial Arts school in that we train our students in Age Specific Martial Arts. This allows us to use systems that integrate science and psychology into our curriculums via the SKILLZ Program! This offers a […]
Does your 3 to 6-year-old child have a hard time making good decisions? That’s OK! Often times the Early (3-4) and Basic (5-6) SKILLZ ninjas may find it difficult to follow the rules. The good news is that they are not doing this on purpose. After years of working with this age group and observing […]
Let’s talk about Belt Testings! Many styles of martial arts, like karate, Tae Kwon Do, and even kung fu use a set of ranks, and students advance between these ranks by testing. But what is testing and what is its place in your child’s martial arts adventure?
Summertime is coming to an end, and with that comes all of the back to school anxiety and jitters that are common amongst children. Your child may experience common physical effects of anxiety associated with back to school time including symptoms from stomachaches to sleeping problems. They will also experience emotional stress from the fear […]
Have you ever noticed your teen’s decision-making patterns change? Or witnessed them make a poor decision that seemed totally out of character? Most adults decisions are processed in the prefrontal cortex, which is in charge of “rational decision making”. Science has proven that during the teenage years the brain is rapidly growing which equates to […]
During the school season teachers, assistants, and counselors are focused on helping your children learn and grow. But what happens during the summer season when these people are not around? It makes sense that as a parent you would want your child to maintain some level of growth and development over the summer in order […]
Everyone likes PIES! This is pretty much a true statement in my opinion! Our staff at Skillz of Patchogue are such huge fans that we take our PIES to the next level! What do we mean when we say “PIES”? P – Physically I – Intellectually E – Emotionally S – Socially The SKILLZ childhood […]
From Tantrums to Triumphs: Emotional Coaching in Martial Arts Imagine your child on the martial arts mat, tears brimming after a fall. How does the instructor not only calm them but also transform this moment into a positive experience? This is where understanding child psychology, neuroscience, and effective coaching comes into play. As parents, diving […]
Fostering Resilience in Young Martial Artists: A Parent’s Guide As parents and instructors at Vision Martial Arts in Patchogue, we witness daily the joy and pride children experience when they master a new martial arts form or skill. But, as in any journey, challenges are inevitable. It’s crucial to remember that facing and overcoming these […]
Harnessing the Power of the One Thing: Motivating Your Child in Martial Arts & Beyond As parents and instructors at Vision Martial Arts in Patchogue, we understand the challenges of keeping children motivated, especially after a long day filled with schoolwork and activities. It’s a common scenario – how do you get your child to […]